Performance Marketing Services by ECS Digital Hub

performance marketing services
Performance marketing is a type of online advertising where brands only pay for the marketing services when certain goals are achieved. These goals could be things like getting clicks, making sales, or generating leads. In simpler terms, it’s a pay-for-results kind of marketing.

In this blog we will talk about three popular and widely used performance marketing channels – Google advertising, Facebook advertising and LinkedIn Advertising.

Google Ads:

Google Ads is a paid advertising platform categorized under Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing. In this model, advertisers for each click on an ad that is displayed.

1. Increase calls to your business:

43% of customers buy the products of the ads they’ve seen on social media platforms.

2. Direct more visitors:

Google Ads guides people to your website or company landing page when they click on the ad.

Let us take a look at Types of Google Ad Campaign:

1. Search Ad Campaigns:

With Google Search Ad campaigns, you can showcase your ads on Google when individuals are actively seeking your products or services. This campaign type in Google Ads enables you to connect with those who are actively searching online for what you provide.

2. Display Ad Campaigns:

Display campaigns put attractive ads on the Google Display Network. This network helps you reach people as they browse different websites, apps, and Google-owned spots such as YouTube and Gmail.

3. Video Ad Campaigns:

Video Ads involve making a brief and informative video to promote a product through pre-roll advertising. This video appears before, during, or after the main video, telling a story, increasing sales, generating excitement, conveying information concisely and interestingly, and reaching a broader audience.

4. Shopping Ad Campaigns:

Shopping ads use details from your product data in the Merchant Center, rather than keywords, to decide when and where to show your ads. The information you submit in the Merchant Center contains details about the products you’re selling. When a user searches, we use this data to match their query with your ads, making sure that the most relevant products are displayed.

5. App Ad Campaigns:

Google App Campaigns advertise your mobile app by displaying ads across various platforms, including Google Search Network, YouTube, Google Play, Google Display Network, and others.

6. Google Slides Integration:

You can create a presentation using Google Slides to be used in the Ad campaigns. Though the slides are generally used for larger presentations, integrating them in ad campaigns with 3 to 4 slides gives your ads a new dimension.

What is a Campaign Structure?

Facebook Advertising:

Facebook Lead Ads enable users to remain on Facebook while filling out and submitting a lead form. In other words, you can design a form to gather information like a lead’s name, email address, or phone number directly within the platform where they encounter your ad—whether it’s in the Facebook News Feed, articles, Messenger, stories, etc. Users don’t get directed to an external landing page, ensuring they stay within the Facebook environment. This is crucial for enhancing conversions, providing a smooth user experience (UX), avoiding the hassle of a longer click-through process for the potential lead, and leaving a positive impression on your leads. When users are already on your page for a specific reason, the last thing they want is to be redirected to a new page.

Sample Call to Action Heading

Add a strong one liner supporting the heading above and giving users a reason to click on the button below.

Know More


What is performance Marketing?
It is performance-based marketing, where a business pays only when a specific action is taken like clicking on an ad.
What is PPC?
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a methodology where businesses pay to the advertisers only when their ad is clicked upon.
What is user engagement?
User engagement is attracting the internet user to your website and getting them to stay on your website.
What is an Ad Campaign?
An Ad campaign is a collection of advertisements collaborating to boost the visibility and appeal of a product or service is known as a campaign.
What is ROI?
ROI stands for Return On Investment. It is an important metric in performance marketing.
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